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Old Feb 11, 2011, 12:01 AM // 00:01   #1
Frost Gate Guardian
Cats's Avatar
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Singapore
Guild: Charter Vanguard
Profession: E/Mo

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Default Formed in 2004 specifically for GW, Charter Vanguard [CV] is still recruiting!


We are the Charter Vanguard, a fun-loving luxon guild formed for the purpose of playing Guild Wars, long before the game was ever available. This is a testament not only to our love of and dedication to this game, but also that the bond we maintain spans beyond the boundaries of the label "guild mate".

At a time when most guilds are folding up with the migration of its members into other games, CV still thrives to this day with the continued visitor-ship of dedicated members, whether it be over the forums or in the game itself.

We're a laid back, friendly bunch of friends who enjoy conversations, guild outings, guild games, creative outlets and discussions over the forum. We love to share a good laugh together, hosting parties in-game and snapping synced group pics.

Even though the content in-game has gotten a little dry for some, it's the sense of camaraderie that keeps us coming back, time and again. Several members have gone as far as to meet each other in real life after getting acquainted within the guild, thus expanding the definition of what CV truly is.


The membership of CV is spread over USA/Canada, as well as a large portion in Europe, and all the way down to Asia/Australia.


Feb 2011 headcount has seen us at 58 members online within a week, about 36 within a day. And another bunch laying semi-dormant for the moment, in wait for the launch of GW2.


At the present, most of our members spend their hours in-game title hunting, attending GW-wide events, and weekly CV events. Most of us have been playing this game for many years now, and have mostly completed the game. If you are a newcomer to GW, we would be glad to offer you advise, or a helpful nudge in the right direction.

We also greatly welcome the artistically talented, the musical and the bards. There are story and art contributions, a comic series, a couple of machinima video series', and several ongoing role plays on our forums, as has been the CV tradition since its birth. Feel free to browse through our work, whether or not you decide to be a member.


We have a long and storied history dating back to May 2004, having survived several organizational crises but emerging the better for each experience. We are now stronger than ever, and ready for whatever new challenges and bounties the future may bring.


We belong to the Legion of Phoenix alliance. A casual and homely alliance of friends.


* We maintain a family-friendly environment, suitable for little kids, up to the elderly. No cussing, spamming or flaming is allowed between members or to our alliance mates.

* We greatly encourage socializing within the guild, and acts of being helpful towards each other. Only through reaching out to one's members can a person truly enjoy the full joy of being a member of CV.

* Our officers have been specially hand-picked over a tedious process of lengthy observation that can take place from a period of months to years. As such, they form the firm structure of the guild, administrating to the needs of the members, and maintaining that safe and friendly environment we call home. At the same time, no request or suggestion from the members of the guild is ever ignored. Every decision goes through a process of discussion and polling so that every person has a say in the direction of the guild.

* Forum registration and the submission of an application over the forum is a MUST for all who are interested in to join.

* Attendance to an Acceptance Ceremony is required for conversion to a permanent and full member of the guild. Details are in the link to the website below.

* While we used to keep a strict 1 month activity rule, we've temporarily suspended it for all full members in order that those who have proven dedication to the guild, and are waiting for GW2 can, for this period, take a temporary leave of absence by parking their toon in our 'holiday' guild (which is Kurzick) before GW2 rolls around. If you are someone who wishes to enter GW2 with a bunch of helpful and friendly guildmates, you too can heed the call and reserve your spot now.

If you would like to learn more about us, simply visit our website, or communicate with us through our forums. We look forward to meeting you in-game.

- Visit our wikipedia page
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